Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Along Monocacy Creek...

The creek is sending out fall signals all over the place! There's still a lot of green, but the change is in the air. Even for the butterflies, as you can see... there's some metamorphosis going on!
 Thistles are turning to seed, and blowing themselves all over. Next spring, new ones will be growing from this fall's seed explosion.
 Berries for the birds are ripening and bringing out the intense colors of autumn. I love seeing the red drops amongst the green leaves. Soon those leaves will be turning and dropping to ground. The drama of nature unfolds for us every day, every season, every year!
 The sunflowers, dahlias and other flowers at Burnside Plantation are in bloom in the little butterfly garden outside the barn. The colors of fall are the splashes of color you'll see there now!
 I love that I can see and feel the changes of the coming season! Typically, in California, the only real change you get is in the temperature and the arrival of rain. Yes, the foliage changes on some of the trees, and even drop, but the strange thing about California's fall/winter, is that once the rains come, everything just starts to turn green again! The gold hills of summer start their greening, in early preparation for spring. At least, that was my experience living in the Bay Area. However, right now, during my time here in Pennsylvania, I can really sense the change from summer to fall. It's an actual season all by itself here. I'm really excited for the changes to become more visible and dramatic as we close in on winter! Plus, I'm looking forward to wearing my boots again!!

1 comment:

Terriaw said...

Wow, such beautiful colors and lighting today! I love the changes plants undergo this time of year, especially the ornamental grasses.

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