Friday, January 14, 2011

Nests in Design

I'll admit it. I have a nest fetish. It's not as weird as it sounds, because I've discovered that a LOT of people have a nest fetish, thus making it more mainstream than say, a fetish for collecting owl pellets. (Sorry, just watched Legend of The Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole.) So these simple little bird's nests (below) inspire so much...

I think that nests remind us of the idea of "home." And the awesome creativity of birds never ceases to fascinate! So it finds its way into our psyche and sparks our imagination, and then we create things like...

Artful pieces by Sarah Saunders
and lovely little card holders like these, that I think are fabulous...

or fanciful lighting designed like a large woven bird's nest...

And something that a weaver bird builds like this...
Image borrowed from here
 ... inspires something like this...

or this...

Clever hanging speakers, shaped like nests!

It's amazing, really, how complex and lovely bird's nests can be. They're made of bits and pieces of twig, string, animal fur, human hair, leaves, spider's webs, feathers, moss, you name it! Birds find what they can out in the world around them, and they create their homes using only their beaks/bills, their little feet, and some cleverness and ingenuity!

I absolutely love this nest chandelier above. It's a work of art by Tracey Barnes, called "Bower Bird Nest Chandelier." I adore Bowerbirds. They are one of my top five favorite birds. They are little artist birds, so of course I love them!

A bowerbird bower
And what about these wild-colored nest chairs...

For me, there's nothing quite as cozy as a nest! And there's nothing quite like a nest-inspired design esthetic to get my creativity flowing!   


Brandi Hussey said...

Hehehe, nest fetish! That sounds so funny to me, but I love the examples of how a nest can inspire design.

shari said...

I know, say "nest fetish" three times fast!

Thanks, Brandi! There were soooo many....

Unknown said...

There's something about these nests that make me very optimistic about the future! (is that weird?) :)

shari said...

No, that's awesome!! :-)

Terriaw said...

Wow, what a cool variety of nests! So many designs and uses I would have never thought of. I love them too, especially when I find one in spring that has eggs in it. Love that cool large woven nest for a chandelier!

Anonymous said...

I feel inspired just looking at these pictures and I love what they symbolise to you. For me it's trees.... Trees and Nature.

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