Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Joys of Freezing Rain

Yes, even though it's very cold out, and it snowed last night, we warmed up enough today to get some rain. And it froze to everything outside...

It's actually quite magical, don't you think? As long as you don't have to be outside too much, anyway. As the warmth continues, giant chunks of ice keep falling from the electrical lines and the eaves of the apartment, and they land with a loud THUNK outside. I'm quite happy to be back inside! Don't want to be clobbered from above, that's for sure!

I hope you're all keeping warm and dry, wherever you are! To keep myself feeling cozy, I made some blueberry muffins from scratch for breakfast, and am now sipping on a cup of Oolong tea. The drip drip drip THUNK outside is slowly becoming background noise as I get more into the paper project that I'm working on for a friend.... but that's for my next blog!

Stay safe and warm out there! 



Terriaw said...

Aw yes, don't you love it when the temps change in winter enough that you get freezing rain, especially after a snow storm?! It makes everything so beautiful, but it sure is scary to drive in. Stay warm! (and safe)

Anonymous said...

The tree twigs are amazing, I have never seen anything quite like that before - they are encased in ice - how cool. Hope you are enjoying your indoor warmth.

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