Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Day Drawing Challenge Day 3

Today the drawing challenge was "Favorite Food"... I have so many that I based my choice on "what's the most fun to draw?" And I came up with sushi... which apparently other people like to draw, too! Because it's fun!

Sorry the lighting was so terrible. I tried to fix it, but it was dark out when I finished, and I didn't want a big bright spot on the paper. So it's the best I could do. Check out the other blogger pictures here.


Fenny Setiawan said...

Shari, Thanks so much for all the support and nice words at my blog. luv...
I like your drawing, especially the water color one. when are u start selling? haha... I might want to buy for Dania (remember I am decorating her room soon).
btw do you have twitter? I feel with twitter we can instantly communicate :)

StudioSuki@Fantabulous Design said...

oh, lovely sushi drawing! you make me feel like sushi now! I'll have it for lunch yum yum!

Cynthia@Beach Coast Style said...

Go Shari Go! on your 30 day challenge!

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