Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reuse ~ Repurpose: Week 2

Have you ever finished off food, or some kind of product and thought that the container was kind of interesting, yet didn't know what to do with it? This week's blog is going to give you an idea of what you can do with old oatmeal containers, or cereal boxes, if you wanted to create your own interesting storage for yourself.

In the past, I've made some fun book covers out of cereal and cake boxes, and I've seen people make magazine organizers out of cereal boxes, as well!

This project (above) was a gift to my best friend for Christmas one year. She and I both love New Orleans, so this beignet box had a special significance. I actually included some pictures inside, and envelopes for her to put mementos in, if that's what she wanted. I figured the box book could be used as a journal, or even a recipe keeper. It's a blank book, so it has many uses!

I lined the inside with hand-marbled paper                                                                                                              

Another idea is to reuse oatmeal containers and the like by painting them and/or decoupaging them with images from magazines or photos, wrapping paper or wallpaper bits. I've had these around for ages! I love the size of oatmeal containers for keeping rulers, pens, pencils, paint brushes, loose crayons and markers, pretty much anything that you want to keep together! I've lost the lid to mine, but if you keep it, it makes for very nice unspillable storage!

An old oatmeal container

Other side

This was inside a roll of photo paper

Other side
  Really, there are so many ways you can decorate your old boxes & containers that will make them personal treasures to you or a loved one. You just have to think outside the box! :-)

One last thing: if anyone is interested in a tutorial, I would be happy to try to put one together on any of my projects. Please just let me know! I hope you liked this week's items! This catches me up on my weekly projects until next Wednesday, thereafter I shall do one every Wednesday!


Terriaw said...

What a great idea! I would love to learn how to convert a cool box like that into a journal or photo book. I also love the idea of reusing an oatmeal container for holding tools, especially all those art supplies I have been accumulating. Would you do a tutorial? I have decoupage but have never used it, and have always wanted to!

shari said...

I'll start putting one together, Terri! As soon as I have a box to use... :-) When I moved from California, I left my stash of supplies behind. But I can get started on the decoupage tutorial right away!

I'm so happy you liked this week's posting!

Anonymous said...

This is a brilliant idea Shari - I love the book you created. The oatmeal container reminds me of a penpot I made for my Dad when I was at school - my mam still keeps it on her bookcase. A tutorial will be great and next year you have inspired me to create my own cards for my little book of joy from recycled cardboard - thank you!

shari said...

Excellent! I'm so glad you're inspired, Shell! I love hearing that! It's so easy to reuse/recycle/repurpose when you put your mind to it... I've been intrigued by the clever minds of people and what they come up with all the time! :-)

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