Monday, November 28, 2011

An Ornament Making Party

A week ago, my friends threw a party where we all spent our time making ornaments, eating & drinking. It was a lot of fun!

Above is Kyle's needle-felted orange tabby cat! Awesome, right? There was lots of inspiration around...

So many supplies, examples & fully loaded Christmas trees around!

I spent most of the night working on my own needle-felted cat... Look familiar?
I got a war wound, earning me a Curious George bandaid!

Jimmy Boo keeps taking Felt Beckham from the tree & playing with it. After we got home, we were inspired enough to start another ornament. This one out of beads, in a style my best friend taught me...

It's taking a while, but I'm nearly finished!

I'll share some Thanksgiving photos soon. I hope you're all well and enjoying the start of the holiday season!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


-E- said...

you and i move in very different circles.

Terriaw said...

What a fun idea for a party! Love the felted cats you two made. I do love to make ornaments every year to exchange.

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Felt kitties! So adorable! Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving Shari :) xo

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