Saturday, February 12, 2011

Colored Tapes

I have always loved using these tapes in my travel journals, and also for putting up inspiration pictures on my board. I realized today that I haven't shared them with anyone, really. The big rolls I got at a Japanese dollar store in Fremont, CA. The smaller rolls my sister got me from Japan-town in Los Angeles, CA.

Aren't they cool?


Anonymous said...

ohhhhh pretty tapes!

Terriaw said...

these are very cool tapes! I have seen them and wasn't sure what people use them for. Now I know! I have been collecting fun boxes to make journals, so now I need to find some cool tape like yours.

shari said...

Yes! See why I love these tapes?

Head out to any Japanese store, and you can probably find some. Or if not, then possibly they'll have some similar ones at a Michael's or AC Moore... not sure, though, as I have only seen them in Japanese stores.

They're cute for any kind of collage, or for vision boards, or wherever!

Orion Designs said...

Those are very cool and would be great in lots of mixed media art projects!

Leigha said...

These are so great! I have been spying some great tape myself.

Love. Happy Valentine's Day.


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