Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Favorite Glasses!

I have to share my birthday gift from my best friend... they are SO appropriate to my life these days!!

Let me step back to explain a little known fact about me. Growing up, we only ever had dogs as pets. I was allergic to cats.... I would play with the toms in the neighborhood, and if I forgot to wash my hands and then touched my eyes, I would get swollen, puffy, and hives would break out all over me. As I got older, I would also have difficulty breathing after a few hours around certain cats, though not all cats.

Then I bought a home in California, which came with a Siamese cat. I wasn't allergic to him, and the rest, as they say, "is history." Now, my oldest, dearest friends still find it VERY ODD to see me with cats. I lived 30 years without them! Suddenly, I'm "a cat person." Ha ha! (Though I denied it for the first couple years.)

So, here is my awesome gift from my bestie:

And these two are the most hilarious because they're just so familiar to my life now...

To be fair, dogs do this, too... 
...but rarely do they do this.
 (As I try to write this, Beckham has jumped up onto the desk twice, just so you know.) Cats are awesome, aren't they? They take getting used to, especially from a former dog owner.... they have such different motivations and behaviors from dogs! But their love is undeniable, and their companionship a real joy....


Terriaw said...

cute glasses! They are so retro and whimsical. I love unique finds like this.

Orion Designs said...

Those glasses are hysterical ... and perfect for you!

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