Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Writing Class Update

From my book arts class 
So, remember how I'm taking a writing class at the local community college? It has been a real eye-opener! Let me just make an analogy for you so you get the idea... let's say that writing is like knitting. I knew that you needed needles, and yarn, and desire to make something.... but now I'm learning about how to cast on and off, all the different stitches, how to piece things together, all the different types of yarn and patterns that you can use, and how to make an actual sweater that someone would love to wear. It's complicated!

I had no idea of the very many aspects of novel-writing that there were! Character archetypes, writing devices, plot devices, weaving it all together has been mind-boggling for me! I'm still excited and charged up, but my mind is actually spinning around in my brain because it's all just more than I ever knew was out there. So many types of fiction, and so many ways of creating a story.... I thought I knew what I wanted to write about, right? I had it started and everything! But now I find out that the way I was writing it wouldn't be a very successful novel, because I was putting things together wrong... like knitting the arm to the bottom of the sweater, instead of to the arm holes. Ha ha ha! Well! Better to learn this now, than after I had worked on my story a lot longer, right?

So things are going well... I have another four weeks of classes, and by then I should know exactly what I'm doing! (I hope, I hope, I hope...) It's been fun, anyway. Meeting people in class who enjoy the same types of books that I do is always cool. Also, it's giving my brain a much-needed work out! I'll admit I was letting my brain relax for way too long! It's ready for scholastic and social stimulation! I was letting myself turn into a shut-in, and that's not really my personality. I can have hermit-like leanings, yes, but I do enjoy meeting and talking to people, and I like being a part of the human race! Especially in a setting of mutual interest and learning! 

Have you ever taken a class at a community college or community center? Or if you're still in school, a class out of your own curriculum, just for the hell of it? I've done it a few times, and I always get a lot of enjoyment out of it, whether it's a dance class, and art class, or an academically oriented class. I'd love to learn another language, next! Or take a pottery class! What about you? What would YOU like to learn to add onto what is already YOU?


Terriaw said...

Sounds like an excellent class so far! I love hearing about it compared to knitting - great analogy! I've taken a lot of classes after college, but am enrolled in a graphic design program, in which I'm having a blast. It is hard not having a job, but I'm lucky to be able to do this in order to switch careers. So healthy and fun to learn new skills and idea!

Sonja said...

That sounds great! I've taken a couple of courses outside of my own curriculum and it's always really nice to think in a different way and get you rmind off of other things...I hope you write a novel and share! ;o)

shari said...

It's definitely been a stretch for my mental faculties... and I do love that!

Sonja, I will definitely share... I am working to make a novel worthy of the time spent reading it! :-)

soraya nulliah said...

Shari-sounds like a fantastic class!! I am looking to take a writing class-probably an ecourse though. It's so nice to meet like minded people though isn't it? How are you liking BYW? Sad it's over this week though!-Soraya

shari said...

Yes, Soraya, it's a great class! I'm loving the BYW course, though it's a lot more info/work than I thought it would be, ha ha! I'm also bummed that this is the last week... So much fun!!

life is happy most of the time. said...

i love that you are learning so much! you are such an inspiration!
i want to learn french (for our next paris adventure) and guitar! love you! xxxxx

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