Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lost in Venice

While visiting Fenny at F For Fabulous, I was inspired to peruse the photos from my trip to Venice last year. The best part of Venice for me was getting lost... My sister, Sharlene, our friend, Doan, and I would get up in the morning, eat breakfast, and then leave the apartment with no real purpose in mind... just wandering around Venice, getting lost.  I was particularly good at it, I must say. To the point where my sister objected to my leaving by myself, as I would get very turned around and not recognize key landmarks. I did this once, and luckily had my iPhone with GPS, or I would've stayed lost forever in that stone and brick maze! We made many lovely discoveries while we wandered.

Here are some photos that I took...

I became obsessed with all the lions in Venice. These are just a few of them. I took many photos of the lions. As you know, it's on their flag as a symbol of their city. I love it.

Venice was not our first Italian city on this trip. We had already been a few days in Stresa, Italy, at Lago Maggiore. Then we had stayed in Levanto, near Cinque Terre. We had eaten so much Italian food that in Venice, we searched for and finally found a Chinese restaurant! Yay! We were desperate for another flavor for our palates. Luckily, we got our craving fulfilled at this little Chinese restaurant under a viny, leafy canopy, hung with paper lanterns. 

As we wandered, we found many cats in windows... it was nice to see pets around. They were well taken care of, that was obvious. We also wandered into little gardens, mostly around public buildings, and sometimes as just a view into someone's little courtyard. These were especially enticing. We had our own, though, which was really nice! 

It was magical! Even on the days when I was laid up with some kind of flu/cold, I was able to watch the boats go by outside the windows of the apartment we stayed in. The wide French doors opened right onto the canal! It was definitely an experience to remember.
Ciao, Venezia... I miss you!


Karla Tull Aron said...

what a beautiful and inspiring post Shari ... i can imagine that is the kind of trip that stays with you forever. makes me want to paint something just from looking at those pictures {i love the way you collaged them with the writing and all ... so pretty!}.
have a fun day!

Sonja said...

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I love getting lost in cities like that (and Venice is pretty darn easy to get lost in isn't it? hehe) Sounds like SUCH a great trip, I was actually forced to relax just by reading that and seeing your photos! :o)
And thanks again for contacting your frined! You're awesome!!! :o)

Fenny Setiawan said...

Shari doll... I was smiling when read your post..haa.. we all had nice experience and got lost in Venice. I can imagine your carving for Chinese food (which is me n my hubby too), And yeah I saw Chinese resto at the small lane with paper lantern (may be the same place where you ate).. but then we decided to eat pasta again (eeiks..)...

Have a wonderful weekend, dear..

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