Wednesday, June 22, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge: Day 22

Today's challenge was "hands". However, I don't really like my own hands, and have always been more fascinated by cats' paws when they use them as hands. Mine do so all the time! Beckham uses his to let me know that he wants a treat, or to open doors, or to pull things towards him. Jimmy Boo will use his to grasp my fingers, to pull strands of my hair towards his mouth, and pick up toys to bat around. So here is my submission...

Okay. I've been trying to add my photo all morning. Since I can't, I'll have to just give you a link to it, I suppose. Sorry for the lame work-around, but Blogger isn't cooperating today. (Say it isn't so!)

Oh, wait! I might have another way...

From 30 Day Photography Challenge
Woo hoo!! That way worked! I just had to add the image using HTML code. So, the format is different, since I don't actually KNOW HTML, but hey, I was finally able to post my photo! Yay!


Pretty Things said...

Kitty hands! I love seeing them poke under the door when I have a door shut (for a little privacy for two minutes, come ON, kitties!) -- so cute.

shari said...

Hahaha! Yes, that's pretty standard around here, too. When the door's closed, and they're outside of the room, the paws are either swiping underneath, or pawing at the wood, or trying to use the doorknob! If they're inside the room, they're trying to get out. Sheesh!

-E- said...

good to hear that's a common phenomenon. i just thought my housemate's cats were insane.

Cindy P said...

Too cute! I love it when Stank uses his paws as if they're hands. He does it all the time with us too. He especially likes to eat my hair. =)

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