Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cancun, Mexico - The Video Version

I hope you're not tired of reading about Cancun yet. ;-) This is my last posting on it, I think. I wanted to show you a little video that has some of my vacation in little bits and pieces. It's only a minute and a half long, so you don't need to worry about getting too bored!!

It has some footage of the iguanas, and silliness. We actually didn't take a whole lot of video for some reason. There are times when it doesn't occur to me because I'm just enjoying the moment, you know? But always, later, I wish I'd taken MORE footage so that I can easily reminisce about my trip. 

Anyway, I hope you like it!

Cancun, Mexico from Shari Durfey on Vimeo.


Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Very cool! Don't worry, Cancun posts never get old ;) xo

Beach Coast Style said...

Shari looks like you had a great time so glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for sharing it with us!

shari said...

Thanks, you two. I DID have a great time! And I'm happy to share it!

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