Monday, August 29, 2011

Waiting Out {Hurricane} Irene...

Before Hurricane Irene's storms arrived
So, I had to work during the wild & wooly weather. It didn't actually get intense until the wee hours, so we were open, and people were relaxing and getting their massages on Saturday. After I got home, K and I ran out to Lowe's to get a few supplies, then got creative in the living room. Here's what we did!

Making a terrarium
We spread out some old paper onto the coffee table, brought out some glassware that K had picked up at second-hand stores during the day, and laid out all our terrarium supplies. Then we built a couple little succulent terrariums for ourselves... and it was so much fun!

A few small sized succulent varieties to start...
Lowe's and Home Depot are the closest garden supply centers available to us. Luckily they had just gotten some new succulents in! Last time we went, the choices were scant, and the ones they did have seemed a bit sad. This time they were fresh and diverse!

A candle holder was used for this one.

A simple old Mason jar was used for this one.
The two little terrariums above were the ones I put together. I like to vary the materials used to hold the plants in place. Sand and pebbles, and in the bottom one, I also used some beach glass I had.

A cactus garden by K.
K wanted to make a little cactus garden.  I think it turned out really cool! He added a bit of driftwood to his, and varied the size of stones, too. We had a lot of fun, and this only got our excitement up for this new pastime of ours! I'll be sharing our future terrarium projects with you!

I'm going to be a guinea pig for a massage training, resulting in my receiving a 3 hour massage on Wednesday! Woo hoo! Awesome job perk!


Beach Coast Style said...

Oh wow!! Shari I really love your container glass gardening! You two are just so creative! I might have to give this a try. My house is just so dark inside during the day it's hard to grow anything...this just might do the trick!

Terriaw said...

Love your terrariums! What a great way to spend the day when you're hunkering down during a storm. I love all the little extras you added, from the driftwood to the stones and glass.

-E- said...

a 3 hour massage?! that's just decadent. and what if the person is a rubbish masseuse? (sorry, i'm just jealous.)

Sonja said...

That's awesome! Those terraniums look great!!!! Good use of crazy weather hiding! :o)
I'm glad it didn't hit you guys as hard as expected

shari said...

I'm glad you guys like the terrariums! They were so simple to make, and fun to imagine... so many more are coming!

Cynthia, these are super easy to care for, as you know. They don't need direct light to live... so give them a try!

E, I spoke too soon... turns out I have to work that morning now due to some scheduling changes. :-( But my boss is treating me to an hour and a half massage this afternoon to make up for it. ;-) YAY!

Fenny Setiawan said...

OMG, I really like those cactus garden. I want to make it for my self and put at the balcony. Love it Shari.

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