Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Work Day Musings and Photos

I forgot to share with you the pie I made for K's birthday! It turned out great, except that I screwed up the crust. It wasn't nearly as good as last year's crust. You can't really see it in the photo, but trust me, it wasn't as good as last year's. I think he still likes it, though. Half of it is gone!

Kit kat statue
Mr. Kit Kat, himself
On my walks to work, I see lots of cool things, and I wanted to share them with you. Here are some photos I collaged for you. The gardens still have lots of bright flowers in  explosions of yellow, pink, white...

I love the mossy green bricks in some of the shadier gardens! Also, some of the autumn plants are blossoming... like those orange lanterns, above. I also like to peek into the hidden gardens of some of the homes...

I love the cascades of pink flowers on the second story balcony of the home above. And check out these bright pink morning glories on the balcony of one of my favorite converted homes in my neighborhood... Lots of people live in this mansion, and there are little gardens outside, as well as on the decks above the first story.

It's a joy walking to work in the lovely weather we've been having! It's warm, but not too humid. The evenings cool down now, like what I'm used to on the west coast. Also, the air smells very nice pretty much all the time! In spring, when people were composting and fertilizing their gardens was probably the smelliest I've ever smelled the area. But luckily that didn't last too long!

A couple rabbits in a garden along my walk.
I got an hour and a half massage today. It was wonderfully relaxing! I'm sure to get more, as I've been encourage to try out all the masseuses, and all the various modalities of massage. There are many! I'm going to wait until winter to try the hot stone massage. Work is tough sometimes, but hey, I'm up to the challenge!

I hope you're all enjoying the last bits of summer while we have it... soon it's autumn, which is my next favorite time of year (ties with spring, actually.) No need to worry about winter... it'll be here soon enough.



-E- said...

wait, did you have a statue custom-made of your cat? cause that would be awesome! (and a bit creepy.)

shari said...

Ha ha! Nooo.... (not that I wouldn't!) I think that's a neighbor's cat, and I believe the statue IS of the cat! It looks very similar, and seemed to live at the house where the statue is. I haven't asked her, because that was the first time I saw the cat. It came from her backyard, and it was wearing a collar with tags. I'm just assuming that it's hers at this point.

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Shari, oh my your neighborhood is sooo beautiful! I am loving all the gorgeous blooms and colors you see each day when walking to work! I hope you are enjoying and soaking up on the last days of summer! Oh and happy belated birthday to K!! I hope it was a wonderful celebration! Have a lovely merry happy mid-week and love to you!

Terriaw said...

How lovely to see all these flowers and treasures on your way to work. Nice that you can walk to work too, btw.

shari said...

Thank you, Jacqueline! Yes, I adore my neighborhood. It's truly a joy to be able to see so many lovely gardens and wonderful architecture!

I know, Terri... I'm very lucky!! Thanks!

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Shari, i had to come by again to let you know that i am so happy to know that the birthday wishes made K smile! This message warms my heart and made me smile too! Love to you and yours!

Sonja said...

Mmm I love lemon meringue! Also oh my goodness how awesome would it be testing out all massueses, oh lucky! I went for a facial for the first time yesterday, and it includes a bit of a massage, ah-maazingness!!! :o)

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