Saturday, September 24, 2011

I'm Off to California!

Well, friends, it's that time. I'm heading out tomorrow morning, and since I'm too excited to sleep, I'm writing a little note to you all....

I'm heading back to the place I called home for most of my life, and I have to say that it's like Christmas has come early to me!

Part of me is kvelling.... the other part is a little bit nervous. I'll tell you why. What if I am disenchanted with what I used to think was the best of the best? What if I no longer feel in love with my home state? I've really enjoyed living here in Bethlehem, PA. It took me a little while to find my place, but now that I have, I really like it here. Will I find it as beautiful in northern California as I remember it to be? Will I be freaked out by the traffic? It's been a long time since I've been there... will it have changed so much that I don't recognize it anymore? Will I get lost?

I guess it will be an adventure, either way! One thing is for sure, though... I'll be seeing my friends and family again, and that's always a beautiful thing. I'll be near the ocean again, and that's another friend that I've missed. I'll have my eyes wide open, now. I'll be absorbing as much as I can, storing it up for the years to come. I won't take anything for granted on this trip. That's something that I can be sure of.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! I'll be seeing you soon!



Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Wait are you just visiting? I don't think you'll be disenchanted. All the loves you had before will still be there. That's how I feel when I visit LA. It will always be a special place, although different from your home now. Are you planning to move back one day?

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Oh enjoy, Shari! So excited for you; take pics & videos too! xo*

Orion Designs said...

Have a wonderful trip and ... stop worrying so much!

Brandi Hussey said...

As I know EXACTLY how you feel about California, I have to echo Shannon 110% - you'll still love it, it'll still be home. So what if you get lost? Maybe you'll find a new place to love along the way.


StarletStarlet said...

Have a blast, Shari!!!!

-E- said...

yiddish slang now?! you're not single, are you?

Fenny Setiawan said...

have a fun trip Shari. And share with us about your trip ok.

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