Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lesson Learned

Dead tired. Ha.
Yesterday (Saturday) I worked open to close. It started out great! I got in a little early to get settled and read any notes left for me for the day, do some of the laundry, and do the morning set up. As the day went on, it got busier and busier. The massage appointments, which had started out as 1-1/2 hour or 1 hour appointments slipped into a series of 1/2 hour appointments. We had a group of nine people come in at once, and nearly all of them were new. I was swamped with phone calls, and busy at the front desk checking people in and out. I was able to get to the back to do some laundry here and there, but then it fell to the wayside. I then remembered that I had to do all my confirmation phone calls for the next day, and it was already early evening and I had about 50 calls to make. Then it happened... one of the therapists asked me, "Are there any clean sheets?" I felt that moment of panic... when did I last throw in a load of laundry? Luckily, our one male therapist had flipped a load of laundry for me, so there was a batch drying, and nearly done. However, it pushed our schedule back a few more minutes, as they all had to wait for these to get done. I realized that I still have something to learn about this new industry I'm in. I felt like a bonehead letting the laundry fall behind. The problem had been that when I was confirming the next day's appointments, I had a couple cancellations, which I needed to fill for the following day. They were very specifically couple's massage appointments. If I didn't fill them, it would be MY fault that there was a therapist with nothing to do, as I couldn't easily find a couple on the waiting list, only individuals, but the slot was for two people in one room. This had kept me on the phones when I should've been looking to the laundry. {Big sigh...} There were some mumblings about missing the last receptionist, who had been there for six years and whose shoes I was trying to fill, though one of the female therapists gave me a pep talk... 
  "You're doing great! You have a lot to handle up at the front today, and you can only do so much. Just ask us for help when you need it." I had forgotten to ask for help. I can be very independent, and I take everything on myself. Do you do this, too? 
  Are you the kind of person who doesn't want to ask for help? I'll admit that I'd rather balance on the brink of a slippery precipice reaching for a rope than ask for someone to hand it to me. I like to believe that I can handle anything, and that it would be a sign of weakness to ask anyone for a hand. It's NOT a sign of weakness, though. It's merely asking for some help. And the strongest, smartest person will realize that they might not be able to do it on their own, and that one helping hand will make their lives much easier, and possibly save their ass. And most people are HAPPY to help. It's moments like this that remind me that I don't know it all yet. I am still learning, and that's okay.

I appreciate you listening to me ramble. I was feeling badly about letting the crew down yesterday, and I was in a self-blame spiral. A lot of times, when I'm writing these rambling blogs, I'm trying to figure things out, and it really helps. I realize that I just need to ask for help sometimes. That will help me to do my job better, and I believe it'll help me to bond more with my new crew.
Taken on my way home last night. Nearly full moon.


Orion Designs said...

I have done similar things because I don't like to ask for help. It's a hard thing to 'get over', but I'm working on it.

Terriaw said...

I can totally relate to your day! Having started a new job recently myself, there are days when things get so busy you forget which end is up. You are new and you are a hard worker, so give yourself some credit for all you've learned and how far you've come already.

I am definitely one of those people who doesn't want to ask for help, but in a new job, it's a must. Most nice people around you are more than willing to lend a hand so that you can succeed.

-E- said...

my father is like that, but i don't think i've inherited it (at least not as much). sounds like a lesson well-learned though.

shari said...

Yes, it seems like I'm not the only one who has trouble asking for help. I was just asked to work another open to close next Saturday. I'm okay with it, but I will try to remember to ask for help when I need it. Hopefully we won't have any large groups coming in, anyway. That's when it gets kind of crazy.

Sonja said...

ugh. I am like that sometimes, I can't ask for help...but in those times that I put way too much a load on my self, and cave and ask for help, I realize how much easier and better it is when you're not doing things on your own :o)

shari said...

Yes, so true, Sonja. I have to remember that it's okay to make your own life a little bit easier! :-)

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