Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Early Fall Walk

I had some time today to take a little walk... I haven't visited my cemetery in a while, and thought I'd pay a visit to see if there was anything exciting going on. (Ha ha) Well, as it turns out, there was!

As I walked into the cemetery, I saw a great bird swooping below the branches of the old trees... it was a hawk! She was on the prowl for prey...

I tried to get a photo of her flying, but none of them turned out. So I finally caught up with her while she was perched in a tree. See above.

Most of the trees are still green, but a few oaks are starting to turn.

I collected a few acorns to use as decorations in the house. I love the acorns from the pin oaks. They are small and have little stripes!

I noticed this little bunch of fur while I was acorn-collecting. I think it's from a squirrel's tail. Could be that there was a scuffle, or maybe the hawk got a little too close to one of the little nut collectors?

I saw some cool flowers along the way, too...

Also, there are a few trees that have truly started turning... one stood out from a distance, as it's amid its greener brethren!

Almost looked like it was on fire, right? And I almost missed this monarch while looking up at this golden tree...

It was a very lovely walk that I'll be taking again later today, after a couple hours at work. K is excited to go for a walk together... the weather has been warm, yet not humid, and is perfect for leisurely strolls. I am loving this autumn!


Brandi Hussey said...

I'm in love with this autumn weather, too! The days have been glorious, the nights absolutely perfect. This is the kind of weather I love!

Terriaw said...

Don't you love going for walks in Fall, even more than most other days of the year?! Such a tranquil time of year, with enough going on in nature to make it a treasure hunt. Love that photo of the monarch hanging on the flower! They can be hard to photograph.

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet shari, fall is just such a beautiful season. One of my favorite! These photos are so beautiful especially the last 2 photos! Your neighborhood is so beautiful! Love to you!

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