Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Ready-For-Spring Blues...

Sit down with me for a bit, and let's talk. Lately, I've been feeling the blues. It could be because it's April and it's still very cold outside. It could be that I've been feeling cooped up in a chilly, though bright, apartment. It could be that I understand my cats more than I understand most people. I don't really know.

Have you ever had a low-grade kind of sadness that doesn't really seem to spring from anywhere? You can't put your finger on the "why" of it, but you feel it just the same?

I know that I should be appreciating my life, and my freedom to be creative and all that. I do. I really, really do. But somehow, eking around the edges of it all is something a little bit sad, and the color of blue, and there are clouds over-hanging. What is this?

Part of my malaise might be from not feeling like myself, health-wise, for a few weeks now. I haven't been going for many walks, so I'm not getting out there. I haven't felt very motivated to cook or bake. I've been painting my heart out, and that's about it. Any movie seems to make me sad, and books get maybe three pages read and then I put them down. Has this ever happened to you? What do you do about it when it does? How do you bring yourself out of this? I don't have any kids. Most of my friends live a few thousand miles away, and are about a 3-hour time difference, and anyway they're busy with their lives. Any advice out there? Funny, because usually I'm the one giving advice, and this time it's me who's asking.... what would I tell myself? Hmmm.... Wow. I don't know. I guess that's why I'm asking.

I hope all of you are having cheerful, non-Lemony Snickett's lives, and have no idea of what I'm talking about. If you do, though, let me know, okay? I'd really appreciate it.



Orion Designs said...

I've actually been experiencing something similar for the past 3 or 4 days. Not very long, but long enough to be a bit disturbing. I switched gears and did some paper crafting and it helped a little -- kind of like your time painting.

I'm not feeling myself either. I did something bad to my knee and I hate having to "baby it" so it doesn't get worse.

I also think the weather -- that it's not really spring yet here -- has something to do with my current malaise.

Let's hope this passes quickly for both of us.

Kayla said...

You are not alone girl. I think everyone goes through this once in a while. You just gotta decide whether you're the kind of person who needs to dwell in it for a bit and get it out of your system or get out there and act like nothing is wrong until eventually nothing is! I haven't figured out which one I am yet but I'm told this is what you should do. Hope you perk up soon!

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
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Terriaw said...

Oh yes, I get this way too. I usually can't pinpoint why but I eventually work myself out of such a funk. Just keep plugging away and pushing on. Sometimes an adventure or change of scenery helps, so your weekend to the beach might change your perspective. Hang in there!

Brandi Hussey said...

Yep, I concur - there's something off and it's in the water.

Okay, that sounded really creepy. But yeah, I think everyone feels that way sometimes. Just be patient with yourself; I've noticed that when I get like that, it's because I'm about to start something new and big and I need the rest first.

life is happy most of the time. said...

girl i go through waves of this all the time. i try to think its all just part of the cycles of life. the up swings and down swings and all the in between swings. i find that really trying to love myself during and through it is the best thing. cause there is no way around it or under or over it only through it to the other side. give yourself permission to be blue and sad. take a bath drink some tea and know that this too shall pass! things that help lift my spirits: yoga, walks,any exercise at all, chats with girl friends, little bit of shopping even if just for one little new thing, really funny movies, hugs and cuddles, dinner out at my favorite place.
the sun will come out soon and things will look brighter i promise! sending love!!

Fenny Setiawan said...

Hope you are feeling better by now. No worries we have ups and downs in our daily life :) You wrote about it, at least it helps to let it out the steam :)... hugsss...

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